Sanilac Township


As the temperature is dropping for the winter months, frozen water meters are a concern.    If you have not done so already, protect water meters and pipes that are in unheated areas against freezing.  Be sure that they are insulated or wrapped in heat tape.  If a meter freezes, replacement costs for a new meter are the owner’s responsibility.  The cost of the replacement meter is based on the current market price for new meters which can be up to $350.00.

If you leave during the winter months and are unable to protect your pipes and meter, we suggest that you request a water shut off for those month.  Once the water has been shut off at the curb stop, make sure your pipes are drained of any remaining water.  Do not disconnect your meter as this may lead to damage to the meter.  If a meter is damaged due to disconnection, replacement costs for a meter meter are the owner’s responsibility.

We also request that you provide us with updated phone numbers and email addresses so that we may contact you should we discover any water issues.   Having updated contact information allows us to contact you immediately and will save you money on replacement and repair costs along with any interruption in water service.

Thank you.